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Happy first anniversary!

12 avr. 2023

Vergio celebrates its first year of activity with major achievements

Vergio is happy to celebrate its first year of activity with important achievements over the last 12 months:

  • The report together with international researchers on a phase 3 study published in an international journal

  • The preparation of clinical modules for a compound targetting a life-threatening disease with a high unmet medical need

  • The conduct with international researchers of a network meta-regression published in an international journal

  • The review of statistical analyses of a phase 3 study and the medical writing of the clinical study report

  • Review of clinical sections of a briefing package for pre-IND meeting and participation in the discussion with the US FDA

  • The conduct of a meta-analysis and a meta-regression to estimate the fatality rate with the standard therapy for an infectious disease and intended to be submitted to the European Medicines Agency

We like to thank all internal and external people involved in these projects and we look forward to pursuing our efforts to provide value and solutions to our clients.

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