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Drug development in itself is multidisciplinary. Expertise and experience from early stage to registration are essential to bring successfully new drug candidates to market.


However, traditional view of pharmaceutical development, regulatory, market access, and finance as well-separated disciplines has generated domain and information siloes that hinder innovation and thus may reduce R&D efficiency. To increase it, it is crucial to understand the relationship between all of the parts of a whole.


At Vergio, we seek to cultivate multi-disciplinary skills in life-sciences. To provide holistic solutions to your needs, our experts are experienced in strategy, trial methodology, statistics, regulatory and market access in the EU, intellectual property, finance, and project management.


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Founder and President

After 7 years as CEO of a pharmaceutical company specialized in the development of treatments for various addictions, Julien Guiraud decided to found Vergio.

Julien has been involved in clinical development inlcuding Phase II and III trials, statistical analyses, preparation of clinical modules and risk management plan of marketing authorisation application dossiers (eCTD), centralized and decentralized registration procedures, orphan drug designation, conditional marketing authorisation application as well as generic and full applications. He was the Company's main speaker in meetings at the European Medicines Agency (scientific advisory group meetings, oral explanations at CHMP, pre-submission meetings).

He is (co-)author of several scientific articles reporting results of large randomized controlled trials, meta-regression, meta-analysis and epidemiology studies. He is the inventor of a patent.

Julien is affiliated to the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Amsterdam. He holds a Master of Science degree in aerospace engineering of ISAE-SUPAERO and a Specialized Master degree of HEC Paris.

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